This is going to be random as hell. I got so much on my mind that I'm just going to have a "mind explosion" on y'all! LOL!
I just watched the documentary
"By the People" The Election of Barack Obama. Make sure you guys check it out on HBO. I followed the entire campaign and I still teared up when I heard "Barack Hussein Obama is our 44th president" when I watched it!
I have a spacious ass NYC apt but lawd it's hot as hell in this beyatch. I like to say it's project heat. I have windows and AC on and I'm not a hot person. I tend to be more cold than hot!
I don't live in New Jersey but I'm mad as hell that Chris Christie beat John Corzine! Booo!
Halloween was a blast this year. I dressed up as a sexy Cleopatra. I'm glad I've been hittin' the gym because my stomach was out! I'll post pics later!
My sister's husband just found out he has a 26 year old daughter! *crickets* My sis and him have been married for 20 years and dated for 2 years prior. Apparently the mom lied to him and the daughter! Why do people do that? A mess!
I'm not a Beyonce fan at all but I like that song "Sweet Dreams."
I can't wait to go see "This is it." I only got 8 days left!
What's up with the dude in Ohio who was raping and murdering people? They found the 10th body in his home this evening. Dang why is he one of my people? It's rare if blacks are serial killers! Dayum, what's really good?
Roughly 10% of African American males aged 25-29 is incarcerated. In 2000 there were 791.600 black men in prison and 603,032 in college. In 1980, there were 143,000 black men in prison and 463,700 enrolled in college.
This makes me sad for our communities! We have to do better!
A seventh person has been arrested for the gang rape of the 15 year old girl at her homecoming in Richmond, CA. They think there were 10 participants and 10 who just stood and watched. This girl was raped in every hole and beaten. WTF is wrong with these kids? If I was her parent I do believe I would be in jail! This shyt is so disturbing!
Can I get a date sometime? Geesh.
My ex boo came up to visit two weeks ago and again this weekend. My homeboys tell me that he likes me again because no one drives 3 hours to just chill! LOL! I don't have the same feelings for him! He's nice to look at though! LOL! If I don't get a date soon maybe I'll get him to drive here again and take me out! Hahahah!
The Supreme Court has been asked to spare the DC snipers life. I'm with it! I'm not a proponent of the death penalty. I wrote my senior thesis on this and there's a disproportionate number of blacks being executed. Until they get it right I can't condone it!
Some dude took my dayum shoes off in the lounge we were at and rubbed my feet. While it felt good I was a little skeeved out! I hate feet and he just took my shyts like it was nothing! Bleck!
Shawn Stockman from Boys II Men has Swine flu? That shyt is getting everyone!
I've never had the flu shot. Do you guys get it? Are you getting the Swine Flu shot? I think I'm gonna pass on both of them this year! Maybe next year...
Keston Karter is FINE! Lawd have mercy that boy is something sexy! Look him up ladies! He's definitely on my "He could get it" list! LOL!!
I'm going to Justin Timberlake's restaurant, Southern Hospitality. I'll be watching my babies, Yankees play and eating supposed good bbq! I'll let y'all know how it was! LOL!
Some of you may not know this but I LOVE THE YANKEES!! Go Yanks! Hopefully Wednesday evening I will be celebrating my boys winning their 27th World Series!