Is it time to leave the US for overseas? I've always wanted to live overseas for a year or two but haven't really put in effort into researching the possibilities. My company is headquartered in Germany. When I lived in Houston the company I worked for was based out of India. These last few weeks I'm watching a lot of my friends and coworkers leave for overseas. Could I be next? I mean I'm not opposed. I'm not married I don't have any children and my parents are in pretty good health. At this point in my life I don't even have a significant other. I want out of my job and what a great start it would be in another country! I really need to think and pray on this!
My homeboy left this morning for Dubai. He quit working at my company last year because he said there was more to life than working 18hr days! So, he quit. He chilled, traveled and took a 4 month consulting job in Jamaica. He started to seriously look for a new job about 6 weeks ago and he lands at a company based out of Dubai! He's agreed to stay for a minimum of 18mos. I WILL BE GOING TO VISIT HIM NEXT YEAR! Dubai is on my bucket list! Two of my coworkers moved to Hong Kong. J left our firm because MS was paying him big bucks to go to Hong Kong. He only had to commit for one year! R is leaving Friday for Hong Kong and she stayed with the firm but just took another job! She's my favorite person at work plus she writes my reviews! I've watched her have so much anxiety over the last month about the move and if she's doing the right thing etc. She already lived in London ten years ago but came back when her father passed away! She said she's giving it one year. If she likes it she'll stay if she doesn't she's out and she may change her profession altogether and move back to the states and settle down in LA! My other homeboy A quit working last week. He was passed up for MD and said that made him re-evaluate his life. So, he quit last week and is moving to LA to do something on the business end of fitness(what better place to go). He has NO job,is subletting a place for 60 days and is going to figure out what he wants to do! He has a daughter who just finished her freshman yr at pretty prestigious college. He told me has her tuition covered for the next four years along with plenty of stacked paper. He said if he's not worried he can always go back to what he was doing. Plus he has excellent academic pedigree(US Naval Academy and Harvard Business School). Last but not least a blogger buddy named Arnetta is moving to Japan tomorrow to teach English for a year!
I wish I would've done this earlier in my life but I was too busy traveling and partying! I definitely have to think long and hard if this is something I want to pursue. Or is it that I want out of my job and I'm thinking of anything. I think the international experience would be so fly! What say you? If you had the chance would y'all move overseas?