I had an ex boyfriend who would always say "Your attitude determines your altitude." This quote makes so much sense to me. If you're going to have a stink azz attitude you're not going to get very far. Be it your job, relationships or life in general. I think all of us have needed a little bit of attitude adjustment. I know I have. My mom used to tell me as a child that "My mouth and attitude would over power my azz!" I still laugh about that to this day. Because not only did she tell me that but her hand or belt was stingin my azz!
Last week I was at the gym I was taking a strength and conditioning class. The instructor asked someone to please remove their IPod so they could hear the instruction and know the proper form to lift the weights etc. You would have thought the instructor told this chick that she was fat and ugly the way this chick carried on. She was snapping her head, rolling her eyes and sucking her teeth. Now was all that shyt necessary? He just asked you to remove your Ipod for HIS class. WTF? I speak to this lady at the gym and I've seen her have attitude with people before for no apparent reason. I also over heard her tell her girlfriend that she was no longer going to class because she missed to many and it didn't matter because her sleep did. Mind you she needs this class to keep her job. So her girl asked her what are you going to do? Attitude chick said umm I guess take it in January.
After I witnessed her attitude with the instructor and heard her say this. I thought of the quote "Your attitude determines your altitude." Because this chick can't go far in life with that attitude. I don't care if she's the smartest person on her team. Her promotions will be few and far in between.
It upsets me because she was black. I think as black people we can do better than that. The "man" isn't always trying to hold us back. With this stink azz attitude you're holding yourself back! I love my people and I want for us to do better as a whole but when you have a stink azz attitude you're not helping ANY of us! I'm far from perfect and I KNOW I can demonstrate major attitude but I also know when to check that shyt!
Do y'all know anyone who has a lot of potential but they're not going far in their job or relationships because of attitude?