How do you get rid of a friend who's still in your same social circle? For the past 18 mos. I've kicked it with this chick a lot but I realize she gets on my damn nerves! At first I was like hmmm maybe she just likes to run her mouth but now I'm like this chick gets on my damn nerves. A few people in the group said she came to them and said she sensed I was pulling away from her but she doesn't know why. I'm not that hard to get along with. I don't like typical chick shit with the cattiness,drama. I just want to go get some drinks and hang with my people. But damn if EVERY time you tell a story she has done what your are talking about or has some other absurd story to top it! I've had people who just met her ask me the same question. The other night I called her on her shyt. I just flat out said "you're lying!" She said some of the most absurd off the wall shit. Even my friends husband gave a side-eye! And he's the nicest man in the world. I feel like she is trying to compete with me and others. A few examples: she was talking about having student loans. I stayed quiet. Why? Because I don't have any! Then she turns around and says to me "You would have some if your school was more expensive." I said "oh really? Now you in my parent's pockets?" I told her"Trick I don't care if I went to Harvard, my parents set it up so we would NOT have loans." I think that shit is complete hatin! Then she constantly talks about her luxury car and how she's not driving because the upkeep on her car is more! What? I would rather drive on the highway then to drive the bumpy ass,pothole infested streets of NYC! Then she says why don't you drive your car it's paid for. Beyatch I don't care if I still had a car payment if I had to drive somewhere then my black ass would drive! YOU buy a car to drive the beyatch! Not to just stare at it! I don't care if it's a fricken Pinto,Cutlass or a Mercedes! These are just two examples I'm giving. But the other day's foolwang really took the cake for me. A friend had a party and everyone brought stuff,bottles,food etc. Why did this chick take her rum,cheese and cracker platter and shrimp cocktail at the end of the night. Last I checked you leave your shit for the hostess! There was maybe a 1/4 cup of rum,6 shrimp and a few pieces of cheese/crackers. Someone had asked if they could take the 6 shrimp left. The lady had the shrimp on a plate and went to get foil. Shrimp snatcher comes and puts her hands in the plant. Another woman said "X is taking those." SS said,"So, I brought them and proceeded to put them in a zip lock bag. Everyone was stunned that she was so adamant about taking HER stuff. To me that shows NO home training and NO class! This chick packed TWO big ass plates with 5 Seafood cakes,5 pieces of fish,5 pieces of chicken and a ton of other things! The hostess told me that she didn't even get a piece of fish or seafood cakes cause this chick was eating them all and had the nerve to take them all!
What do you guys think? I can give a few more examples but thought you'd get the picture from the ones I stated.
My crazy thoughts about life,sports,finances,relationships,music,politics and anything else I deem worthy of writing about.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Thursday, March 19, 2009
That time of the year

It's that time of the year. Yep, sick time. I've been sick as shyt all week. I haven't felt this bad in a minute! I woke up at 1am drenched in my own sweat. My clothes, sheets and comforter! Blahhh! I hate feeling like this! Plus I'm rarely sick! But it I couldn't have picked a better time of year! Yeah baby, it 's MARCH MADNESS! Anyone who knows me knows I LOVE COLLEGE BASKETBALL! I LOVE THE TARHEELS! So, even though I feel like shyt. I was able to stay home, watch basketball and check my brackets ALL DAY!!! And I love it!

Although I'm sick. I had a pretty good day watching ball all day! Lawd if I was in my early 20's many of them dudes could get it...lmbao!
Friday, March 6, 2009
Friday Ramblings..
I was reading what C-Breezy allegedly did to Rihanna. I have some issues with how some of this went down. It said that she grabbed his cell phone with her left then he proceeded to grab her with his right hand and placed her in a headlock while he was still driving. Hmmm that's interesting C-Breeze obviously never met me. He's driving a car and manages to put me in a headlock! Yeah, ok. You must not know about me! I am NOT blaming this on Rihanna. I'm just finding it hard to grasp that she didn't get a few licks off! Eff that! I probably would have gotten effed up but do trust he would have had a few wounds on that azz too!
I wore a fiyah azz pencil skirt today with fishnets and purple shoes....LOL! That's real corporate! I don't give a dayum either!
The lady I sit next to sings all dayum day. She actually has a decent voice but I don't want to hear it all day! Then they wonder why I have the BOSE headphones in boppin at my desk!
She also thought it was ok to wear tight azz courdoroys,turtleneck and boots that looked like she was going to be in the wilderness in Alaska for 2 weeks! WTF? This is the same woman that rocks wife beaters in the summer!
I've lost a few pounds because I started running outside again plus I'm beginning training for a Dualathon(2mi. run,10mi bike,2mi run). I saw a friend of mine last Saturday and we were discussing my running and she said " I only run from danger" I told her "uhh you need to start running from the table!" Was that rude? LMBAO! She's a stay at home mom and looks sloppy and there's NO reason for it! Strap your 1 year old up and put that baby in the stroller and walk! This chick lives in the burbs in a nice development!Shyt I don't give a dayum if she lived in the pj's! NO EXCUSE!
I was exiting the train the other day and saw two girls about 17 one was tall and thick. She was probably 5'10 and 180 the other was 5'6" slender build. The tall one was talking and said " I need a big d*ck, I'm a big chick so that means I NEED big d&ck!" The other girl was quiet and said "I don't think I need big d&ck." I'm wondering what the hell got this converstation started!
I'm going to Barecelona and Italy with my sister in September. This should be VERY interesting! HA!
All my NYC bloggers. I found two good azz restaurants! Victor's Cuban Cafe had black beans that made you want to drop kick your momma! Cafe Ronda is a Spanish restaurant and the Paella is FIYAH!!!
The Cowboys aren't my favorite team but I'm still mad at them for releasing TO!
ACC tournment is this weekend and I CAN'T WAIT! My azz will be in the house all weekend watching MY TARHEELS dominate! I LOVE MARCH MADNESS! I'm getting my pool ready!
What is the big dayum deal about Michelle Obama wearing bare arms! I mean dayum she is just 45 and has fiyah azz arms! Laura and Barbara were plain and Barbara's azz was old! Shyt!
I'm headed to Tampa next week to see my homeboy. I can't wait! I need a break from this beyatch!
Why did I see the bigget Crocs store yesterday! This shyt was like the size of a big azz Old Navy. Dayum I didn't know Crocs was rocking like that! LOL!
The Teacher has been on radio silence for a few days! I told him. I'm done talking to toddlers so when he wants to act like a man then holla at me! He hollared last night. I'm pretty indifferent about him right now. His family issues are OVERWHELMING! Maybe it's true that two people from such different backgrounds can't get it together! Ex: His sister went and bought a new living room set with her tax returns. Hmm don't you have a 6yro? Didn't you borrow close to 10K from your brother last year? Don't you have credit card debt? He told me that and I just sat there and he even said that was some ghetto azz shyt! I'm like I'm glad you said it!
I reconnected last night with one of bf's! We grew up together and kept in touch until 2007. He lost his cell phone and I tried to call him a few times and nothing. He told me he let work get in the way of all his relationships and he was sorry! I forgave his azz cause when I first moved to NYC I stayed with him for free and he really looked out for me. I told him I would let it slide and he wouldn't get cussed out however if it happens again. I will proceed to lace him out!
Why do people find it so hard to believe that I don't have any student loans. People at work were talking about loans etc. I didn't contribute to the conversation and they said "Shell you paid off your loans?" I said "I never had any" Radio Silence. "Ohh you went on scholarhip?" Me,"No my parents paid." Then the slick remarks came. I said very politely but stern" My parents paid for all 4 of us to go to college and my brother went to an IVY! Why is that soo hard to comprehend? Then I get "Ohh your money must have been tight?" WHAT? I had to let that beyatch know I never wanted for shyt! I grew up in a nice 5 br,3bathroom house with a pool. I never worked in college just at my internships in the summer. My parents said our job was to get an education! What the f*ck is so hard! People get on my dayum nerves!
That's really sad about the two NFL players and their friend lost at sea. RIP!
I'm mad at the chick who called 911 over her chicken nuggets! But I would have been pissed too. I don't understand if she they didn't have anymore why they wouldn't refund her money. If that would have been me on an off day. Mickey D's would have been calling the cops on me!
Unemployment is at at 25 year high at 8.1%. This is a shame. I think it's going to get much worse before it gets better. Dow is down now 55.99%.
I know this is horrible. At the end of every month I look on Craigslist for deals because I know people have rent to pay! I got a Bose Sound dock for $175 they retail for $399! Shyt times are hard for everyone!
Enjoy your weekend people!
I wore a fiyah azz pencil skirt today with fishnets and purple shoes....LOL! That's real corporate! I don't give a dayum either!
The lady I sit next to sings all dayum day. She actually has a decent voice but I don't want to hear it all day! Then they wonder why I have the BOSE headphones in boppin at my desk!
She also thought it was ok to wear tight azz courdoroys,turtleneck and boots that looked like she was going to be in the wilderness in Alaska for 2 weeks! WTF? This is the same woman that rocks wife beaters in the summer!
I've lost a few pounds because I started running outside again plus I'm beginning training for a Dualathon(2mi. run,10mi bike,2mi run). I saw a friend of mine last Saturday and we were discussing my running and she said " I only run from danger" I told her "uhh you need to start running from the table!" Was that rude? LMBAO! She's a stay at home mom and looks sloppy and there's NO reason for it! Strap your 1 year old up and put that baby in the stroller and walk! This chick lives in the burbs in a nice development!Shyt I don't give a dayum if she lived in the pj's! NO EXCUSE!
I was exiting the train the other day and saw two girls about 17 one was tall and thick. She was probably 5'10 and 180 the other was 5'6" slender build. The tall one was talking and said " I need a big d*ck, I'm a big chick so that means I NEED big d&ck!" The other girl was quiet and said "I don't think I need big d&ck." I'm wondering what the hell got this converstation started!
I'm going to Barecelona and Italy with my sister in September. This should be VERY interesting! HA!
All my NYC bloggers. I found two good azz restaurants! Victor's Cuban Cafe had black beans that made you want to drop kick your momma! Cafe Ronda is a Spanish restaurant and the Paella is FIYAH!!!
The Cowboys aren't my favorite team but I'm still mad at them for releasing TO!
ACC tournment is this weekend and I CAN'T WAIT! My azz will be in the house all weekend watching MY TARHEELS dominate! I LOVE MARCH MADNESS! I'm getting my pool ready!
What is the big dayum deal about Michelle Obama wearing bare arms! I mean dayum she is just 45 and has fiyah azz arms! Laura and Barbara were plain and Barbara's azz was old! Shyt!
I'm headed to Tampa next week to see my homeboy. I can't wait! I need a break from this beyatch!
Why did I see the bigget Crocs store yesterday! This shyt was like the size of a big azz Old Navy. Dayum I didn't know Crocs was rocking like that! LOL!
The Teacher has been on radio silence for a few days! I told him. I'm done talking to toddlers so when he wants to act like a man then holla at me! He hollared last night. I'm pretty indifferent about him right now. His family issues are OVERWHELMING! Maybe it's true that two people from such different backgrounds can't get it together! Ex: His sister went and bought a new living room set with her tax returns. Hmm don't you have a 6yro? Didn't you borrow close to 10K from your brother last year? Don't you have credit card debt? He told me that and I just sat there and he even said that was some ghetto azz shyt! I'm like I'm glad you said it!
I reconnected last night with one of bf's! We grew up together and kept in touch until 2007. He lost his cell phone and I tried to call him a few times and nothing. He told me he let work get in the way of all his relationships and he was sorry! I forgave his azz cause when I first moved to NYC I stayed with him for free and he really looked out for me. I told him I would let it slide and he wouldn't get cussed out however if it happens again. I will proceed to lace him out!
Why do people find it so hard to believe that I don't have any student loans. People at work were talking about loans etc. I didn't contribute to the conversation and they said "Shell you paid off your loans?" I said "I never had any" Radio Silence. "Ohh you went on scholarhip?" Me,"No my parents paid." Then the slick remarks came. I said very politely but stern" My parents paid for all 4 of us to go to college and my brother went to an IVY! Why is that soo hard to comprehend? Then I get "Ohh your money must have been tight?" WHAT? I had to let that beyatch know I never wanted for shyt! I grew up in a nice 5 br,3bathroom house with a pool. I never worked in college just at my internships in the summer. My parents said our job was to get an education! What the f*ck is so hard! People get on my dayum nerves!
That's really sad about the two NFL players and their friend lost at sea. RIP!
I'm mad at the chick who called 911 over her chicken nuggets! But I would have been pissed too. I don't understand if she they didn't have anymore why they wouldn't refund her money. If that would have been me on an off day. Mickey D's would have been calling the cops on me!
Unemployment is at at 25 year high at 8.1%. This is a shame. I think it's going to get much worse before it gets better. Dow is down now 55.99%.
I know this is horrible. At the end of every month I look on Craigslist for deals because I know people have rent to pay! I got a Bose Sound dock for $175 they retail for $399! Shyt times are hard for everyone!
Enjoy your weekend people!
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