Sunday, December 14, 2008

She got me

Damn! I've been tagged by F$%K it!

So here are the rules:

Answer the questions below with only one word.
* Then, pass this along to 7 people so they can do the same. (I may or may not do this part!)

Questions & (My) Answers:

1. Where is your cell phone? - bed

2. Where is your significant other? - LOL!
3. What's your hair color? - Brownish
4. Your mother? - Olean
5. Your father? - Olean
6. Your favorite thing? - Laughing
7. Your dream last night? - didn't
8. Your goal? - Success
9. The room you're in? - Bedroom
10. Your hobby? - Reading
11. Your fear? - Failure
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? - Happy
13. Where were you last night? - Eating
14. What you're not? - Materialistic
15. One of your wish list items? - BMW
16. Where you grew up? - Olean
17. The last thing you did? - Eat
18. What are you wearing? - Sweater
19. Your TV? - Bed
20. Your pet? - Dead
21. Your computer? -MAC
22. Your mood? - Somber
23. Missing someone? - Friends
24. Your car? - Altima
25. Something you're not wearing? - Earrings
26. Favorite store? - Bloomingdales
27. Your summer? - Good
28. Love someone? - Yes
29. Your favorite color? Red
30. When is the last time you laughed? - Tonight
31. Last time you cried? - weeks
32. Are you a b*tch? - Yes
33. Favorite position? - Down
34. Favorite past time? - Blogging
35. Are you a hater or a lover? - Lover
36. Are you genuine or fake? - Genuine
37. Any vices? - three
38. Pro-life or wire hanger? - Pro-choice
39. McCain or Obama? - Obama
40. Pro-plastic or natural? - Natural
41. Dream job? - Soon

Playing it forward:

In turn, I have chosen the following 7 bloggers (blogs) for interrogation:
Eb the Celeb


Eb the Celeb said...

I aint doing this ish so now! lol

Mizrepresent said...

You ain't no Bitch! lol! What's up Shelly, just dropping through to check you out! Happy Holidays!

12kyle said...

what are the vices? i'm nosey! lol

The F_Uitlist said...


@Eb that is exactly why I didnt tag you, such a punk! hahaha

kayellejaye said...

I'm mad late seeing this, but I did it.