Because if so you better be careful! His name is Desmond Hatchett, 29 and he's from Knoxville, Tenn. Apparently old boy has fathered at least 21 children. He has a minimum wage job and can't support them all so this is where the state has to interject! The children range in age from newborn to 11. There are at least 11 baby mamas(possibly more)! I mean dayum what the eff is really going on? I guess every chick he has sex with he goes in raw dog? What the hell is wrong with these chicks? You don't let a man run up in you raw? This fool told VolunteerTV that "he had four kids in one year, TWICE!" On Friday his name appeared on the court docket ELEVEN times, representing about 15 of the 21 children! He claims he knows all the kids names and birthdays! Damn this dude has 4 basketball teams with a sub!
The state is only allowed to take 50% of his check and apparently he only makes about $400/week! Some of these women have multiple children by him and they KNEW of his large family! At this point these broads are just stupid! If you knew he had a damn army why would you spread your legs and let him have sex with NO CONDOM! Man, that D must be THE TRUTH! The mothers are supposed to get anywhere from $25-$309 but when his paycheck is garnished among them all some women only get $1.98! WTF do you do with $2 damn dollars!
I think he's a FOOL but these women have to take some of the responsibility as well! I mean this makes NO damn sense! C'mon people we can do better than this tomfoolery! Imagine if him and Octomom got together! She would be like I love sperm in me to have babies and he would say I love to give sperm to make babies! Dayum fools!