I haven't had a chance to read this article yet but from what I understand it's 18 pages long and talks about how Chicago shaped Obama's politics. The artist, Barry Blitt states "I think the idea that the Obamas are branded as unpatriotic [let alone as terrorists] in certain sectors is preposterous. It seemed to me that depicting the concept would show it as the fear-mongering ridiculousness that it is." I guess this touches a little close to home. I'm still up in the air about it. What about y'all?
I wonder how long it's going to take the media to discover how to cover a black presidential canidate and future president.
That's all it is. I should say that I'm surprised but I'm not. In fact, sadly, I've grown to accept that there will be idiots that will publish this type of stuff just to get a rise outta folk.
good post!!
Hmmm... I am not in hate with the cover. I know and Love the New Yorker . If this country was as progressive as it likes to claim it is then this wouldn't be an issue.
I Will read the article tomorrow.
I am so with 12kyle...HATERATION at it's best, the depiction alone suggests so much, most of all depicts and and proposes FEAR!
I am sure 95% of the people who see this will say it is a hateful cover. However the the NYer is known for the satire. I do think its a bit more elaborate than I have seen them do which might lean more towards racism.
I don't know again I am torn, I don't like the picture especially of Michele, I think she should be left out of this. But satire is just that take the most insane things being said and throw it in the face of the public as a mirror to their own BS. Just MHO. And you know I ride for BARACK all day everyday!
I could certainly see how the cover would ruffle a few feathers...
Must make it my business to read the actual article.
Just like the f$%k it list said The New Yorker is a satire mag, but I think my big problem is the fact that Michelle is in the picture. If it was jut about Barack ok but to start dragging fam in takes it to another level. I haven't read the article yet since it is 18 pages...lol!
Uhm ok I started the article so far I am not that impressed. Once I finish it in 1-3 days, I'll comment again HAHA
But as I said on 12K's random thoughts, Now is the time for Black folks to develop a real tough skin, We can't ride for Barack but fall to pieces when stuff like this comes up. The people in his campaign need to take a page from his book (we all do) and dust off our shoulders. WE have to speak intelligently about these things and void of emotions, because the tide is turning and YT America is going to lose it.
*stepping down off my soap box*
I get satire, nothing wrong with that, but considering that most people won't read the article I just don't think it was a good look. If it had a tag line then I could have rode with it, but to leave it open to interpretaion, I wasn't feeling that. In that manner, it seems less about satire and more about fueling white folks fear.
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